This is one of my favorite new finds. Now that the stress of fitting into a bikini has officially begun, any substitute for fattening snacks is welcome and this really does the trick. Well here it is:
Davidson's Vanilla Cream Sprice - a dessert tea
Full of rich vanilla flavor and the goodness of cinnamon and chamomile. Who needs that third cookie anyway?!
Also, I'd like to share with you the fabulous mug my husband drinks his tea from every day. It's made by Maid of Clay and you can find a listing for this and other gorgeous chunky mugs in her shop.
A new tea in your mailbox!
I Drink my Tea from Glasses
sold by fellow Etsian
I covet!!!
Yogi Peach Detox and the Cup Cozy of Hot Steeping Goodness
When I make a cup of tea, and set it aside to steep - this is how I roll:
You'll have to envision this on a desk with a computer....
I love this tea: nice warm spices and you can usually get a second pour off of just one tea bag.
Tea as Kitchen Decor?
Peach DeTox by Yogi
So, I'm a little early but here is this fortnight's featured tea we're "circulating." Please post, if you can, when you try it....I'm excited to read your responses!
Peach DeTox is made by Yogi Teas. Their website is really quite beautiful and gives you all the info you need from ingredients to nutritional info to brewing instructions. I highly suggest using 10 minutes brew time, especially at high altitudes. If you need your tea scalding, use two bags as suggested by Yogi.
I first discovered this tea through a friend (okay, ex-boyfriend) when they gave me some of the Yogi Detox (just Detox). Imagine my surprise to taste.....pepper! But it isn't what you think, even after reading the ingredients in Peach DeTox. I can't speak for the detoxification itself, as I eat horribly, but I 'd like to think I feel better after a week's worth.
Another great quality to this tea is its availability. I purchased my latest batch at Winn Dixie of all places - and not over in the organic and health food section, but over by powdered Gatorade, which I also like, diluted. I, however, like Yogi Peach DeTox concentrated. I like having a chance to experience all of its ingredients in turn. I like being able to play a delicious guessing game of unusual and familiar, full bodied but not with an overwhelming herbal (eg. mints) or black tea that brews faster than its compliments.
I give this tea 4 CUPS out of 5.
Yogi Peach Detox is like a wine - it changes throughout the experience of one sip. Enjoy several on me. xxoo
What Tea Are You?
I was thinking about all the different tea varieties out there and thought it would be a really good treasury theme.
Non Tea Treasury FP
I don't know if this will stay up, but a treasury I curated made the front page last night.
Now I just have to do a tea
Who Wants to Twitter?
I was wondering if anyone would like to run the Circle of Tea Twitter account, CircleofTea. Hell, we can toss it around once a month. I just realized I published a etsy treasury link for my own treasury, and i thought "that's not fair!" So, I can either give out the password, which is fine with me!! or if you feel like admin'ing it, let me know.
(Besides, I can't type very well. I am spending all my twitter and Facebook time fixing typos).
One thing I could not live without..
Or this could be in the box of "One thing that made my life WORLDS easier"
It's called UtiliTEA from It even has a wee little temperature dial you can set to white, green or black tea :)
And if you've never ordered from them, use this $5 coupon in the next 24hrs!! Code: 9951460790
OH, and their White Blueberry is to die for!
Dreaming of Jasmine Green
Come join me for a cup?

Spicy decaf Lovin'
I am about to have some Decaf Constant Comment, to the horrors of teaonista everywhere (one who looks down on common teas)
I need that spicy lovin'
Gimme a shout out is this is a childhood staple as it was mine.
What I know so far..
Hello Sweet Sweet Teabies :)
I've been on the back burner (hehe) for a bit but thought it about time I throw in a few goodies for the pot.
What better way to start than to share some of the many swoon worthy pieces I've bought from Etsy Sellers over the past few years! You can click on each photo and it will take you directly to their respective shops!
And you know what's coming up soon, don't you? ICED tea season :) Mmmm....
history of tea
I was at a grocery today, buying tea, of course.
I was thinking about our new group and thought,
"I should read up on tea - it's been a while."
Rather than bore you to tears with my rendition of tea's history,
I'll just provide you a link to Wikipedia ...
So brew up a cup and pull up that laptop.
Tea Pot of the month
Please join me in welcoming Richard Aerni Pottery as the contributor to our icon and as the artisan of our Tea Pot of the Month (see sidebar). You can visit Richard at his website or his shop on Etsy
We are LIVE!! (and drinking tea)
Okay Everyone we are LIVE!!
I will be e-mailing blog instructions for posting/editing, and tea instructions for trading. Basically, every two weeks one of us sends out samples to the other six. We post our reason for the tea, history, etc, and the group reacts with crazy joy and copious comments. Please feel free to post in between tea reviews, especially pictures, etc.
Then, two weeks later, someone else (randomly chosen) will be "it" For this initial round I have provided padded envelopes pre-addressed.
I have all the mailing supplies - you just supply the tea and postage. Anna you're up to bat "Tag, you're it!" on the 19th of April.
I think this is the most fun I've had on the internet in a long time!!!
Food for thought on posts that goes well for tea. Blog it ladies. (we want pics of tasties!!!)
So gather pics, gather thoughts, drink tea, and post, post, post!