Next up for tasting:
Stash's Earl Grey!

Teazers and Mangos!

Soooo, I have been tending to my cat and got to take a break for a bit and went to a tea house in my hometown that I had not been before. So my little sister and I got so much into talking with a friend that we never tried the tea! So I will have to go back and try it, but before I announce the tea that I am sending out to you, I thought I would post some pics of Teazer World Tea Market.

So the tea house was consistently busy and had so many different customers - it was pretty crazy. It's definitely an awesome place to people watch. I just feel bad that I didn't get to try the tea that some say is too expensive. So that I shall save for another blog.


Alrighty! I love summer time because I can't wait to brew this tea and then make it iced. Some drink it hot, but I prefer it to be cold and I put two packets of Stevia in it and that's just perfect for me. So, without further delay...

I chose to start off with Trader Joe's Black Mango Tea for it's super fruity goodness and because it just feels so refreshing to drink - so definitely save it for a day that's on the warm side! You can add other things to it as suggested, but I like it nice and simple. Hope you all love it!

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A confession...

I have a confession to make..

I've been cheating on my Tea! I recently discovered that I can drink Iced Coffee w/Soy Milk without it making me feel ill (coffee has an adverse affect on my stomach) and I've fallen madly in love with it. It's been over a month now.

print by artThouIndependent

There, it's out, I've said it!

However :) This morning I've taken another path. I picked up my 2 delicious looking packets of Tazo Loose Chai Tea and had another idea. I brewed it double strong, iced it and added my soy. And ladies? Ahhhhmmmmmmmmm.....


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Tea Houses

Hello all - wondering what your favorite tea house is. Here's mine so far, located in Boulder, CO. Boulder Dunshanbe Teahouse

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tea decor & Tazo Chai tea

I saw this post on Casa Sugar, and wanted to share it with you.

KEEP CALM AND DRINK TEA, 8x10 Print-(HOPE DIAMOND Color) Customizable Colors

red travels 4-tier antique jewelry stand


So you think we could make that lamp? Ah, too late!

Tea for Two Lamp

I wanted to send out a Tazo Tea that I like ... Tazo Chai.
And while I did send you a Tazo Chai tea,
it's in a full leaf as opposed to a crushed leaf.
While I find it is still good tea, it wasn't quite the same.
So boil some water, turn on your lamp, and have some tea.
Tell me what you think!


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Tea - not just for drinking anynore

A must have find!!

Lately we've been lighting candles around the house for a soothing scented atmosphere. By boyfriend started it, and now I have one for each area of the house thank to the Sale at Yankee Candle Company (buy one 22 oz, get the second 1/2 off)

I got their Lavender, because its nice and astringent and not cloying, but the real gem was the Tea and Honey candle. I believe its being discontinued, so you'd have to get it at a brick and mortar store direct or Amazon, but it is fantastic!! I mean, really, an enjoyable scent in every way, and your significant other is guaranteed to enjoy. Here's where to buy, just click here. I HIGHLY recommend.

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